Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: Absolute
Choreographer: Kirsthen
Hansen, Denmark (23 Feb 2012)
Music: Dance With Me
Tonight by Olly Murs
56 Count intro – Start on Main Vocals
Sec.1: Forward touch, back touch, back touch, forward touch ( diagonally )
1-2 Step diagonally forward right on
right, touch left beside right
3-4 step diagonally back left on left,
touch right beside left
5-6 step diagonally back right on right,
touch left beside right
7-8 step diagonally forward left on left,
touch right beside left.
Sec. 2: Forward lock step, hold, pivot turn, hold
1-2 step forward on right, lock left
behind right
3-4 step forward on right, Hold
5-6 Step forward on left, turn ½ right
7-8 step forward on left, Hold
Sec. 3: Toe strut forward x4
1-2 Step forward on right toe, drop heel
3-4 Step forward on left toe, drop heel
5-6 Step forward on right toe, drop heel
7-8 Step forward on left toe, drop heel
Sec 4: Forward rock, ¼ turn, together, swivels
1-2 rock forward on right, recover on left
3-4 turn ¼ right on right, step left
beside right
5-6 swivel both heels right, toes right
7-8 swivel heels right, heels in place
Restart: wall 8
Dance the first 8 counts, then start the dance again from the beginning (
facing 3 o`clock )